Exile- 2 Kings 1-25

  • Good Kings,Bad Kings

Kings of Israel and Judah

The Last Five Kings of Judah

Judah (and Benjamin)

Israel (Ten Northern Tribes)

 KingReign Character Prophets King Reign Character Prophets
 1. Rehoboam 931-913 17 years Bad Shemaiah 1. Jeroboam I 931-910 22 years Bad Ahijah
 2. Abijah 913-911 3 years Bad  2. Nadab 910-909 2 years Bad 
 3. Asa 911-870 41 years Good  3. Baasha 909-886 24 years Bad 
  4. Elah 886-885 2 years Bad 
 5. Zimri 885 7 days Bad 
 6. Omri 885-874* 12 years Bad Elijah  Micaiah
 4. Jehoshaphat 870-848* 25 years Good  7. Ahab 874-853 22 years Bad
 5. Jehoram 848-841* 8 years Bad  8. Ahaziah 853-852 2 years Bad 
 6. Ahaziah 841 1 years Bad  9. Joram 852-841 12 years Bad Elisha
 7. Athaliah 841-835 6 years Bad  10. Jehu 841-814 28 years Bad 
 8. Joash 835-796 40 years Good Joel 11. Jehoahaz 814-798 17 years Bad Jonah  Amos  Hosea
 9. Amaziah 796-767 29 years Good  12. Jehoash 798-782 16 years Bad
 10. Uzziah (Azariah) 767-740* 52 years Good Isaiah
 13. Jeroboam II 782-753* 41 years Bad
 11. Jotham 740-732* 16 years Good 14. Zechariah 753-752 6 mo Bad 
 12. Ahaz 732-716 16 years Bad 15. Shallum 752 1 mo Bad 
 13. Hezekiah 716-687 29 years Good 16. Menahem 752-742 10 years Bad 
 14. Manasseh 687-642* 55 years Bad/Repented Nahum
 17. Pekahiah 742-740 2 years Bad 
 15. Amon 642-640 2 years Bad 18. Pekah 740-732* 20 years Bad 
 16. Josiah 640-608 31 years Good 19. Hoshea 732-712 9 years Bad 
 17. Jehoahaz 608 3 mo Bad722 BC Fall of Samaria to Assyria
 18. Jehoiakim 608-597 11 years Bad
   * Co-regency
 19. Jehoiachin 597 3 mos Bad
 20. Zedekiah 597-586 11 years Bad
 Destruction of Jerusalem, 9th Av, 586 BC, Babylonian Captivity

  1. Josiah
Reigned 31 years (640-609 BC)
 2. Jehoahaz (Shallum)
Reigned 3 months (609 BC)
Taken prisoner to Egypt by Pharaoh Neco
 3. Jehoiakim (Eliakim)
Reigned 11 years (609-598 BC)
Died in Jerusalem
 5. Zedekiah
Reigned 11 years (597--586 BC)
Taken prisoner to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar
   4. Jehoichin (Jeconiah, Coniah)
Reigned 3 months (December 9, 598 - March 16, 597 BC)
Taken prisoner to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar (with Ezekiel)

  • Punished by the Assyrians
The Northern Kingdom was destroyed in 722 B.C., overrun by the vicious Assyrians. An Assyrian document from the period describes the deportation of nearly 30,000 Israelites.
The Bible tells us why it had to happen: "This came about because the Israelites sinned against the Lord their God…because they venerated other gods….[and] they rejected the covenant which He made with their fathers" (see 2 Kings 17:7-18).

  • Punished by Babylon
In 597, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon overran Jerusalem, executing God’s judgment on Judah for the sins of Manasseh (see 2 Kings 24:3-4).
Before the invasion, the prophet Habakkuk had predicted that Babylon would be raised up by God to punish Jerusalem - "the city, rebellious and polluted….Her priests profane what is holy and do violence to the Law" (see Habakkuk 1:63:1,4).
After ten years of Babylonian occupation, Judah’s King Zedekiah tried to mount a rebellion. Babylon responded with overwhelming brutality - crushing the city, destroying the Temple, and sending thousands off into exile (see 2 Kings 24-25; Jeremiah 52).

  • Good Kings,Bad Kings
  • Punished by the Assyrians
  • Punished by Babylon


  1. How was the spirit of Elijah in Elisha?
  2. What sins caused the Israelites to be deported by the Assyrians?
  3. How did the seventy exiles fit into the Father's plan?
  4. What was said concerning Josiah's relationship to the Lord?
  5. Who captured Jerusalem and destroyed the temple and palace in the Southern Kingdom?
  6. Where was the tribe of Judah taken into exile?
  7. Who was allowed to sty in the land of Judah?

Good Kings, Bad Kings


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