The Catholic Church Acts 1-28
- witnesses in Jerusalem
Read Acts 1:1 to 8:5. The authority of Peter
- witnesses in all Judea and Samaria
Read Acts 8:6 to 13:1
- witnesses to the end of the earth
- witnesses in Jerusalem
- witnesses in all Judea and Samaria
- witnesses to the end of the earth
- Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?
- What outward signs or symbols accompanied the Holy Spirit at Pentecost?
- What was Saul's plan on his way to Damascus?
- What was Christ's answer to Saul's question, "who are you, Lord?"?the circumstanc
- Describe the circumstances surrounding the first non-Jewish baptism.
- From what city was the new missionary activity initiated?
- Upon Barnabas and Saul's retrn they found a debate taking place on circumcision, what answer did Peter provide?
- Why was there anger at the speech of Demetris?
- What did Paul do, then?
- How are the Acts of the Apostles and many of these letters related:
- Acts 9:24-25 and 2 Cor 11:32-33
- Acts 14:1,5-6,19-20 and 2 Tim3:10-11
- Acts 16:6 and Gal 1:1-2,6
- Acts 16:12 and Phil 1:1-3
- Acts 17:1-2 and 1 Thess 1:1-5
- Acts 18:2 and Rom 1:1,7,13-14
- Acts 19:1 and Eph 1:1-2
- Acts 28:16 and Phil 1:13-14, 2 Tim 1:16-17
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